Other grants, services and facilities

Support for organisations by the University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki provides organisations with its facilities, grants and email lists.


Organisations’ services for one another

Some organisations rent out their dinnerware, for instance, to other organisations. Various orchestras and choirs can also be booked to perform in organisations’ events (e.g. musical performances, dances, etc.)

There is also a Facebook group where organisations can agree on exchanging various items and services (reciprocal tasks performed at anniversaries or other events, for instance), called ‘HYY: Järjestöjen nakki- ja tavaranvaihtopörssi’.


Organisations’ own premises

Organisations operating under HYY have a lot of different premises at their disposal that other organisations operating under HYY can loan/rent. Usually, these are festive spaces or banquet halls. If you wish to rent organisations’ own premises, you should contact the organisation managing them directly.

Premises that can be rented from organisations include at least the following:


Other premises

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 12:52 PM