HYY’s grants for organisations

2. Operating grant

2.1. Instructions on using Tahlo

TAHLO, or Tahlo, is an abbreviation of the words ‘toiminta-avustuksen hakulomake’ (‘application form for the operating grants’ in English). Tahlo is opened at the beginning of the year and closed on a date that is announced separately in the newsletter for organisations and is usually in late February or early March. While the form is open, organisations may use it to update their contact details and submit attachments to their application for an operating grant into the system. Filling in Tahlo is an absolute prerequisite for receiving an operating grant from HYY.

You can log in to Tahlo at tahlo.hyy.fi using the organisation’s own login details. If you lose the organisation’s username or password, you can ask for a new password from HYY’s specialist in organisations.

Below, we have compiled page-by-page instructions on how to fill in Tahlo. If these instructions do not answer your questions, please contact the specialist in organisations, the chair of HYY’s Board’s Financial Committee or the person in charge of organisations on HYY’s Board.


Basic information

Fill in the empty fields on the page or check that the information already in the system is correct. The page automatically shows you the details submitted the previous year.

  • Name: The name the organisation uses of itself. E.g. Academic Tuba Club
  • Official name: The name used of the organisation in the Register of Associations. E.g. The Academic Tuba Club of the University of Helsinki ry.
  • Abbreviation: An abbreviation (possibly) made of the organisation’s name. E.g. Tuba Club.
  • Postal address: The organisation’s postal address. If the organisation has a PO box at the New Student House or the department, for instance, use that address here. If the organisation’s mail is received by a member of its board, the chair, for instance, fill in the chair’s home address instead.
  • Email of the chair/board: Address to which all HYY’s newsletters for organisations are sent, for instance. We recommend using a permanent email address here (e.g. the board’s permanent email list whose recipients the organisation changes itself). This way, we will reach as many active people from the organisation as possible and information will flow faster. If the organisation has a separate email list for the board, use that address here. Please note that this is also the email address to which we will send a new password to replace a lost one.
  • Phone number: The phone number of the chair or some other person in charge of contacts.
  • Bank account: The account to which you want us to pay the operating grant awarded to the organisation. Enter the number of the bank account in IBAN format.
  • Organisation is registered: Is the association in the Register of Associations of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office? You can check the registration date from the website of the office.
  • Registration date: The date on which the association was registered to the Register of Associations of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office. Leave the field empty if the association has not been registered.
  • Organisation's date of establishment: The date on which the association was founded. If the organisation is not a registered association, use the organisation’s founding date.
  • Does the association operate under the auspices of another organisation: Does the organisation operate under some kind of an umbrella organisation? For instance, subject organisations could operate under a faculty organisation, whereas hobby organisations may possibly have national or international umbrella organisations.
  • Sub-organisations: If the organisation acts as an umbrella organisation to other organisations itself, fill in the names of its member organisations here.
  • Organisation board: Enter the information about the members of the board here. Add one office / area of responsibility per row and one name per row. Please note that ‘chair’, ‘treasurer’ and ‘secretary’ are mandatory fields. The officials will be added to HYY’s email lists – study advisors onto the email list for study advisors, for instance. Add more rows by clicking the button.


Annual information

  • Our organisation applies for the operating grant for the year of: Check this box if your organisation is applying for HYY’s operating grant for the present year.
  • Number of organisation members on 31 December 20XX: Check how many members your organisation had at the end of the year in question from your list of members. The year should always be the previous year.
  • of which HYY’s members: How many of the organisation’s members are also members of HYY.
  • Basis for calculating for the number of members: The dropdown menu provides three options: ‘List of members’, ‘Those who have paid the membership fee’ and ‘Other’. Choose the option based on which the number of members you previously entered has been calculated.
  • Other grounds, please specify: If you selected ‘Other’ in the previous question, please explain how the number of members has been calculated here.
  • Number of members who have paid the membership fee in 20XX: How many members of the organisation paid the membership fee during the year in question, which should always be the previous year.
  • Amount of the membership fee in 20XX: What is the size of the organisation’s membership fee in 20XX. The year in question should always be the previous year.

Based on your annual report, evaluate how many member events (parties, excursions, lectures, club nights, etc.) you had in the year of 20XX: In this section, enter the number of events of each size (based on the number of participants) that the organisation organised for its members the previous year. If your organisation participated in a festival, for instance, use the number of the organisation’s members taking part in the festival, not the total number of participants for the entire event.


Calendar text
If you wish, you can submit a description of your organisation to be printed in the student calendar published by HYY. You can only get your text included in the calendar by filling in this form. There will only be one version of the student calendar, and Finnish, Swedish and English will be used in it side by side. You can thus use the languages you desire in your organisation’s calendar text. The maximum length of the texts is 400 characters. HYY retains the right to edit and shorten the texts.

If your organisation has its own club room, click the ‘Add row’ button or check the details of the premises from ‘Edit information’. On the page that opens, enter the details of the premises: Choose a suitable option from the ‘Premises owned by’ dropdown menu. For the other fields, just enter the required information.

Organisation’s grant
This page is filled in by HYY’s Financial Committee. At the end of the allocation of operating grants, the Financial Committee will fill in the amount of grant awarded to the organisation as well as the individual awarding criteria based on the attachments of the application on this page.

If your organisation publishes its own paper, select its name from the list and check the details from the page that opens. Please note that the information from the previous year appear on this page automatically. If your organisation establishes a new paper, click the ‘Add a paper’ button. On the page that opens, enter the required information about the paper. The information submitted here is used for the allocation of the organisation paper grant awarded by HYY.


Upload the attachments to your application for an operating grant on this page. All attachments must be in PDF format. After you have uploaded an attachment to the system, there should be one of two texts next to it: either ‘Attachment accepted’ and a time stamp or ‘Attachment received’ and a time stamp with ‘Attachment accepted’ and a time stamp below it. The former means that the attachment has not been authenticated as a final version (you can submit attachments to Tahlo as preliminary versions), that the attachment could not be opened for some reason or something similar.

You can check out model documents of the attachments on the page ‘Model documents related to grants’.